12th Caribbean Jamboree Report...........
St. Lucia 2000

Day 1: Tuesday 25/7/2000

Arrival at airport : 3.30p.m. We were warmly welcomed by two St. Lucian Scouts. They escorted us to our bus and took us to the Vieux Fort Comprehensive High School. After a brief stop, we were transported to the camp site. We were met by another St. Lucian scout, Alvin, who showed us our camp site.

No sooner had we put up a shaded tent, we were greeted with intermittent heavy showers. We managed however to erect all our tents except for one of our small tents.

Unable to cook due to lack of firewood or gas, we were forced to an alternative. Our contingent leader, Mr. Davis, was instrumental in securing for us Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Our intention to fence our campsite and to erect as much gadgets as possible was thwarted as we were not allowed to use any of the prepared bamboos until the following day, Wed. July 26. Being not able to do much, we retired to bed approximately 10.30p.m.

Day 2: Wednesday 26/7/2000

After a good night's rest, everyone was up early, ready to take on the day's challenge. It was again heavy intermittent showers. Our three big tents were all drenched from the overnight showers. With still no gas or firewood, we were forced to get some hot water from a nearby stall to make some tea. It was day concentrated on installing a bamboo bridge across a drain and at the entrance to our campsite. Another major effort was the digging of a huge trench around our campsite to fight off the heavy flow of water into the site. Our gate, fencing and flagpole were also up. Our campsite was really looking up dispite the obvious water lagged ground around us. On advice of three officials, including Mr. Ron Richardson, we relocated to another area of the grounds which was more suitable for camping. This was done started at about 4.00p.m. and took us into the night.

During the day, we were visited by Mrs. Louise Williams.

Day 3: Thursday 27/7/2000

The morning saw us restoring our campsite to where we had left off, with the addition of a kitchen dresser, cup holder, cutlery holder and a wind breaker for our fire area. Our Jamaica sign, made from tape and colored by permanent black marker was installed at the top of our gate. Construction work began on our dining area. Bamboos were cut to length and holes dug. Again there was rain and the usual consistent strong wind.

Day 4: Friday 28/7/2000

Completion work done on camp table and chair. Gas cylinder received. We were served popsicles by our sub-camp leader. A more relaxing day for us who stayed in camp. The Piton Challenge was on, but none of us participated.

The Northern Ireland (Belfast) group visited, exhibiting their painted faces.

There was no night activity, except for a scout creating a bit of excitement blowing fire through a length of bamboo and creating an explosion at the other end.

Day 5: Saturday 297/7/2000

The entire contingent went to shop in the capital, Castries. The group also went to the beach. I was the only person remaining on site. I had four St. Lucian visitors. I took time out to sing and play the guitar for them.

Entertainment night came off with a bang. Each country doing their thing on stage. Jamaica did a good job singing folk songs and a medley of Djs. One of our scouts did an excellent job, doing one of Louise Bennett's Poems, "When Uriah Preach".

Day 6: Sunday 30/7/2000

Church Service : 10.00a.m. Opening Ceremony and March Pass: 4.00p.m. There was one gathering for Church Service which lasted just over an hour. After an address from the Governor General, the contingent leaders received plaques from her. A march pass followed thereafter. Each contingent was also visited by the Governor General and her entourage. A medal was presented to each contingent leader.

The day was observed ad friendship day where there was an exchange of visits by members of each contingent. Addresses were exchanged and friends made.

Day 7: Monday 31/7/2000

50 miles A Foot A Float : Three of our scouts participated. Bryan Peart, Ryan McKenzie and Keron Gordon. The journey took on the format. : Bus, walk, boat, walk, bus. Medal was received for completing this activity.

Trinidad Night Trinidad Contingent put on an excellent show and exhibition. Brochures were handed out and tasty dishes served. For entertainment, a very experienced belly dancer gave her all. The Trini Band also played.

Theft. Our returning to our site, it was discovered that one of our tents was entered by an intruder. One of our leaders, M.r Desmond Chambers had his bag ransacked and a bit of items were missing, including stuff bought to take back home. A very sad night. The police were summoned. Except for some clothes, nothing else was recovered.

Day 8: Tuesday 01/08/2000

A scheduled day for sports but this fell through.

Barbeque Night. The St. Lucian Scout Association treated the Jamboree to an evening of Barbeque, free to all.

Day 9: Wednesday 02/08/2000

Piton Challenge - A second chance. Another trip was arranged for those who missed the first run of this activity. No one from our contingent participated. The day went by leisurely. A football competition took place by the Vieux Fort Comprehensive, where the St. Lucian team emerged winners.

Day 10: Thursday 03/08/2000

Bike-a-thon. The scheduled bike-a-thon was a total disappointment. After enduring 2 1/2hrs, a truck turned up with some cycles which where in no way road worthy. This of course to a halt to this activity.

Hike to Falls. This event came off successfully with a large turnout from the different contingents participating..

Camp Fire and Closing Ceremony This got on the way at about 8.00p.m. Each contingent went on stage and did their thing. Jamaica sang a scout song and a folk song. This was well received by the audience.

Gifts from the different contingents were presented the Camp Chief after making a brief address to the camp. The night's proceedings came to a close by the singing of Kum ba yah and the holding of hands at around 11.00p.m.

Day 11: Friday 04/08/2000

We strike camp shortly after breakfast. We had all the tents cleaned and dried. All gadgets dismantled and bamboos packed away. The flag pole was the last to go. Shortly after 5.00p.m. we assembled by the flag. Each scout made a comment on his experience.

We took our things to H.Q. and move to the Vieux Fort Comprehensive School where we stayed the night.

Day 12: Saturday 05/08/2000

At 10.00a.m. we left for the airport. At 2.12p.m we moved to the plane and by 2.30p.m. we were airborne flying at 21,000ft. We arrived in Mobay at 4.40p.m. We soon set foot in Kingston at 5.03p.m. We were delayed however, as a luggage belonging to one of our scouts did not show up. On sorting out the procedures to receive it, we were finally out.

Dr. Lee, Mrs. Williams and a few parents were awaiting us at the airport. On confirming that all was OK, we headed to the Scout Head Quarters.

Exciting Things to do at a Jamboree